Conference Timetable
9:00 – 13:30
Morning Session Chair: Jenn Strawbridge, Mansfield College, University of Oxford
9:00 – 9:45
Loren Stuckenbruck, LMU Munich
Rethinking Temporality Structures in Apocalyptic: Focusing on the Recent Past
9:45 – 10:30
Elizabeth Stell, Oriel College, University of Oxford
States of Dream, Vision, and Fear: An Exploration of Fear and Apocalyptic
10:30 – 11:15
Bruno Currie, Oriel College, University of Oxford
Hesiod’s Apocalypse (Works and Days, lines 174-201)
11:15 – 11:30
Short Break
11:30 – 12:15
Philip Alexander, University of Manchester
The “World to Come” as a Postmortem Disembodied State v. the “World to Come” as a Post-Resurrection Embodied state at the End of History: A Conundrum of Apocalyptic Thinking
12:15 – 13:00
Mark Edwards, Christ Church College, University of Oxford
Where is the New Jerusalem?
13:00- 13:30
Long Break
13:30- 16:30
Afternoon Session
Chair: Hindy Najman, Oriel College, University of Oxford
13:30 – 14:15
Olivia Stewart Lester, Loyola University
“For there are all sorts of seasons…”: Periodization, Eschatology, and Apocalyptic Uncertainty in the Sibylline Oracles
14:15 – 15:00
Judith Newman, Emmanuel College, University of Toronto
Overcoming Dualisms in the Study of Apocalyptic
15:00 – 15:45
Arjen Bakker, University of Groningen
Rethinking Wisdom and Apocalyptic
15:45- 16: 30
Reflections and Responses
Loren Stuckenbruck, LMU Munich
John Collins, Yale University
Jenn Strawbridge, Mansfield College, University of Oxford
Hindy Najman, Oriel College, University of Oxford