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Textual Development of the Pentateuch: Current Directions

A Hybrid Workshop 4 May 2023

Programme of Events

8.45–9.00 Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Prof. Hindy Najman

Session I Chair: Prof. Hindy Najman

9.00–10.00 Prof. Reinhard Müller (Göttingen)
The Divine Oath to the Fathers in Deuteronomy: Some Intersection between Textual and Literary History

10.00–11.00 Dr. Hila Dayfani (Oriel)
The Pentateuch as a whole and the Five-Books Division: The Samaritan Pentateuch as a Test Case


11.15–12.15 Prof. Michael Segal (Hebrew University)
Textual Dynamics of the Pentateuch in Antiquity

Light Lunch and Break

Session II Chair: Prof. Judith Olszowy-Schlanger

2.00–3.00 Prof. Emanuel Tov (Hebrew University)
The Dark Age in the Textual Transmission of the Torah

3.00–4.00 Prof. Innocent Himbaza (Fribourg)
Greek Texts of Qumran and the Earliest Profile of the Translator


4.15–5.15 Dr. Harald Samuel (Mansfield)
The Different Versions of the Pentateuch and their Sociolinguistic Background

5.15–5.45 Responses and Roundtable Discussion

Consult at the Oriel College porter’s lodge for the 4-digit passcode to enter. For inquiries, please contact Stefania Beitia, PA to Prof. Hindy Najman (

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