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Reading: Performance and Materiality in Hebrew and Aramaic Traditions

Please see the full poster for the list of presentations and sessions of the conference.

Registered participants should consult at the porter’s lodge for the 4-digit code to access the theatre and seminar room. All presentations will be in the Harris Lecture Theatre unless stated otherwise.

Please register using the below Google form link by Sunday 29th of Oct 12:00pm if you would like to attend.

To register for the conference see this link:

Please note that due to limited capacity for the manuscript viewings, and because students are prioritised, that registering for the conference does not mean you are registered to attend the manuscript viewing. If you have not received an email from OCSB by Sunday the 29th of October then that means we are at full capacity. Thank you for your understanding.

The lecture at 15:45 on the 30th of October has no limits on capacity and all are welcome to attend. The Weston Lecture Theatre can be accessed through Blackwell Hall.

Download PDF of Conference Schedule