This year the Ethical Reading seminar is in association with the Early Biblical Interpretation seminar, focusing on the theme of the Ethics of Textual Criticism. This series brings biblical scholars, classicists and other fields together like the Ethical Reading seminar. This Hilary Term 2024, the seminar is focused on the ethics of textual criticism, and we are excited to hear the perspectives offered by our presenters from across multiple disciplines.
Conveners: Constanze Güthenke (Corpus Christi), Tristan Franklinos (Oriel/Wolfson) and Hindy Najman (Oriel)
In Hilary Term 2024, the Ethics of Textual Criticism seminar will run on Thursdays 10:00 am – 12:00 pm.
Consult at the Oriel College porter’s lodge for the 4-digit passcode to enter the Harris Seminar Room (or Harris Lecture Theatre for Week 1). Note also the special session on 19th January in Ioannou Centre.
Schedule for Hilary Term 2024
(18 Jan.) Harris Lecture Theatre, Oriel College
Tristan Franklinos (Oxford)
On whose authority? Editing ancient and medieval Latin texts – some examples
*(19 Jan.) 14:00–15:30, Ioannou Centre, 66 St Giles
Irene Peirano Garrison (Harvard)
Latin grammar in the age of philology
(25 Jan.)
Alison Salvesen (Oxford)
Hebrew authority, textual criticism, and translation technique: Symmachus and the Megillot
(1 Feb.)
Harald Samuel (Oxford)
Textual criticism of Hebrew texts in different textual cultures
(8 Feb.)
Colleen Curran (Galway)
A new transmission of Aldhelm’s Carmen de uirginitate
(15 Feb.)
Chiara Meccariello (Exeter)
Papyri and textual criticism: textual microhistories, materiality, and the prioritisation of text
(22 Feb.)
Gideon Bohak (Tel Aviv)
Editing nasty texts: Gzar-dina de-Yeshu (‘The Sentencing of Jesus’) as a test-case
(29 Feb.)
Daniel Wakelin (Oxford)
Editing the Everyday in Middle English
(7 Mar.)
Carmen Cardelle de Hartmann (Zurich)
Marginalized authors, anonymous texts: the problems of attribution
Seminars in Previous Academic Years