Mrs Margaret Jones
Treasurer of Oriel College
Treasurer of Oriel College
Grocyn Lecturer | Fellow and Tutor in Classics, Oriel College
DPhil Candidate in Theology & Religion
MPhil Candidate in Theology & Religion
Provost of Oriel College
Associate Professor in Classical Languages and Literature | Lobel Fellow in Classics, Queen's College
Professor of Chinese Philosophy | Fellow in Chinese, Queen's College | Director of the Centre for Manuscript and Text Cultures
DPhil in Theology and Religion
Director of the Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies | President of the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies | Fellow of Corpus Christi College
Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament | Tutor and Fellow in Theology and Religion, Worcester College
MPhil Candidate in Theology & Religion
Corpus Christi Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, Corpus Christi College & | Faculty of Classics